Terms and Conditions


1. Trades are only to be use for fashion goods ex; clothes, pants, shoes, bags, accessories etc. Any other non-fashion goods are strictly not allowed.
2. Please ensure the items selling are at good condition. Trades will not hold any responsibility on any disappointments on item, lost, damage or dissatisfaction on seller. Buy at own risk.
3. All users are to take care of their own post and are kindly trusted not to disturb other user's post. Trades admin have the rights to amend or delete any post without any notice if found inappropriate.
4. Trades is a platform for fashion trading. Please do not abuse the website or use it for own business benefit (ex. advertised own website/blogshop) Drop us an email for any enquiries.
5. All contents of post ex; photos, contacts etc. are open for public at own risk.
6. All contents except user's post on the website belongs to Trades. Please do not take or copy without permission.
7. All users are abide to the terms and conditions automatically when using Trades. The terms and conditions can be change or added without any prior notice in the future.

Please understand and respect the terms and conditions, other users and Trades for everyone to enjoy the website fully. Thank you for your cooperation :)

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